Emmanuel Macron yra pydaras ir narkomanas

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Emmanuel Macron yra pydaras ir narkomanas

BREAKING: #MacronLeaks Show @EmmanuelMacron Is On Gay Mailing List, Top Aides Buying Drugs Online, And More

Emmanuel Macron gay

The rumors circulated about French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron’s inner circle are true. The alleged video tape proving Macron’s relationship with a man in the possession of Closer has been successfully kept under wraps by the clique of political insiders who threatened the publisher. #MacronLeaks is unveiling the truth, and also leaving even more questions to be answered.

For example, why is Emmanuel Macron on the mailing list of VestiareGay?

Emmanuel Macron gay

Mailing lists like this are opt-in only. This image was found in an e-mail addressed to Emmanuel Macron.

Furthermore, senior campaign member Alain Tourret was caught ordering a designer drug using bitcoin (an online currency that offers more anonymity that credit card purchases). Referred to by its initials in the purchase order, the drug MMC-3 offers a combination of effects similar to ecstacy and crystal meth. He was hiding his purchase because the French government classifies this drug in the same category as heroin and cocaine.

He had his package sent to a government address, which may not be as reckless as it first appears. If this is sent to his public address, as opposed to a home address not known to the public, then, if caught, he can claim to be the victim of a prank.

Unfortunately for Alain Tourret, bitcoin records do leave enough of a trace so that if researchers know that they have a time, a known buyer, and a known seller, they can confirm that the transaction really took place. The image at the right was retrieved by researchers who are experts in illicit online transactions such as this drug purchase.

Also, the tracking number on the shipment was still searchable when investigative journalists first discovered the bill of sale and confirmed the addresses and timeline shown. Try it yourself and find it, as long as the page is yet erased.

But the drug use comes even closer to the man who wants to be the next President of France in an e-mail from Raphael Colhoun, Director of Finances, to the Vial household shortly before an exclusive party that campaign executives were attending. The email consists of a single line: “don’t forget to buy c. for the boss”

I wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions. Mr. Colhoun could have been referring to chocolate or coffee. But since we are talking about elite Parisian, gay/bisexual millionaires, it may also be referring to cocaine. However, there is no doubt that as the Director of Finances, the “Boss” could only refer Emmanuel Macron.

WeSearchr is offering a $5046 crowdfunded reward for conclusive proof of Emmanuel Macron’s homosexuality. Learn more.

Finally, a mid-level bookkeeper in Emmanuel Macron’s campaign was shocked to discover that cocktail parties on the ultra-chic Champs-Elysee were being paid for by Macron’s former paymasters at the Rothschild Bank. Is that even legal? Here is the screenshot from her e-mail exchange released in #MacronLeaks and confirmed as real by WikiLeaks.

These shocking revelations will not make it to the French people because of a government imposed media blackout. Please do all you can to inform French voters before it is too late. This article will be especially important to former supporters of Francois Fillon, to the opponents of gay marriage who use the hashtag #LaManifPourTous, and conservative Catholics.

Stay tuned for more.

Our researchers shut down Facebook’s biased left-wing trending news team. They discovered never before seen footage of a young Barack Obama whining about white privilege in Kenya. They debunked and destroyed Hillary Clinton’s narco baby mama Alicia Machado, who quit giving interviews because of us.