Theresa May is TERRORIST GOVERNMENT symbolism and who outlaw abortion, homosexuality

Autorius: Alikas Ragevicius Šaltinis: 2018-04-14 22:38:54, skaitė 1195, komentavo 1

Theresa May is TERRORIST GOVERNMENT symbolism and who outlaw abortion, homosexuality

Theresa May’s Government Collapses – She Props it up with Terrorists from Northern Ireland who use ancient symbolism and who outlaw abortion, homosexuality and have hard-line policies similar to ISIS and Sharia Law!

Millions of British people have awoken to newspaper reports filled with images of terrorists wearing black balaclava ski masks – only to be told that these terrorists and paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland are Theresa May’s new found friends that are helping to save her career by forming a ‘Coalition Government of Chaos’.

Theresa May’s new parliamentary buddies are the DUP, based in Northern Ireland. They are a happy little political party – every member has a hit-man price tag on their head by republican terrorists across the southern Irish border.

‘Peace’ in Ireland is an elastic term – especially considering there have been several sectarian murders and the DUP have been implicated in at least one killing so far this year.

The DUP’s leader is featured in several fetching murals in Northern Ireland which charaicature her as the DEVIL INCARNATE – several alleged scandals revolve around the DUP – including claiming expenses for heating barns which are empty and the disappearance of children…. Wow – could Theresa May more perfect political allies?

Curiously, the DUP are partly funded by Saudi Arabia who have been accused of supplying weapons and explosives to isis

Theresa May has sold billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia who have been accused by the Iranian government of passing these British weapons to ISIS. She now ices her political cake of confusion by forming a minority British government with para-military DUP groups who want to imprison homosexuals and ban abortion for teenage Irish girls.

The hypocrisy – not to say bizarre folly in this – is that the Tories paid for ads in right-wing newspapers – such as The Sun tabloid, and editorials smeared the reputation of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, accusing Mr Corbyn of himself covorting with, er, Northern Ireland terrorists – covorting, in fact, with the exact same people who Theresa May is now forming a government with.

More than 200 Tory members of parliament have received luxury hampers filled with gifts from the government of Saudi Arabia who have a policy of dragging women by their hair from behind the steering wheels of their cars because women are restricted from driving in Saudi Arabia.

Theresa May’s new cabinet team, who sit alongside her much over-rated anti-terrorist COBRA squad, now includes, er, terrorists! Yes, Theresa May’s all new ‘government’ is supported by paramilitary groups for the purely selfish reason of trying to rescue herself and her Tory party from a disaster of their own making.

The DUP’s leader is featured in several fetching murals in Northern Ireland which charaicature her as the DEVIL INCARNATE – several alleged scandals revolve around the DUP – including claiming expenses for heating barns which are empty and the disappearance of children…. Wow – could Theresa May have a more perfect political ally?

Theresa May has sold billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia who have been accused by the Iranian government of passing these British weapons to ISIS.

She now ices her political coalition of chaos by forming a minority British government with para-military DUP groups who want to imprison homosexuals and ban abortion for teenage Irish girls.

The DUP run Northern Ireland along what they euphemistically call ‘Masonic Jewish Mafia’ lines – how charming! Murals show the Jewish Star of David – a masonic symbol – and freemasons who sing ‘Kill Catholics, Burn Catholics’ march happily down Northern Ireland streets every Sunday…. But it’s not just Catholics who should be shaking in their boots about this Faustian pact.

Homosexual people and teenage girls who accidentally got pregnant are also ‘outlawed’ by the DUP and their paramilitary chums in Northern Ireland.

For the first two years of it’s life, the ISIS terror group were legally respected in Saudi Arabia – even though many ISIS members had already been placed on Terror Watch Lists by the FBI in Washington DC. The FBI publish and distribute WATCH LISTS of any terrorist suspect who boards international flights after attending training camps in ISIS-help regions around the world. Knowing all that – David Cameron still went ahead and sold IP addresses of British government buildings to Saudi Arabia and billions of pound’s worth of weapons.

Sinn Fein are the political wing of the IRA terrorist organisation which Her Majesty the Queen accuses of many bombings and murders – their buddies are the DUP who have seats in the Westminster parliament as a result of signing the St Andrews Agreement in October 2006….

Welcome to, er, ‘democracy’ in Britain!

In Northern Ireland, the DUP dominate the local parliamentary ‘assembly’ with Sinn Fein. DUP supporters wear black terrorist balaclavas and are painted on murals all over Northern Ireland – so…

Guess who Theresa May has chosen to form a coalition government with?

The DUP changed its stance and agreed with the Irish republican party Sinn Féin to enter into power-sharing devolved government in Northern Ireland.

Actually, Theresa May is no stranger to people who support terrorism – after all, she just returned from Saudi Arabia where she sold billions of dollars worth of weapons.

The Iranian Parliament Leader is now accusing Saudi Arabia of using British made weapons and explosives in the recent attacks on the Tehran capital.

QUEEN OF TERROR – Theresa May sold a ton of bombs to Saudi Arabia who have been accused of funding ISIS – and ISIS just attacked the parliament in IRAN!

The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is a unionist political party and the largest party in Northern Ireland. It was founded by the Protestant fundamentalist leader Ian Paisley in 1971, at the height of the Troubles. Paisley led the party for the next 38 years. Now led by Arlene Foster, it is the largest party in the Northern Ireland Assembly and the fifth-largest party in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.

The DUP is socially conservative: it is anti-abortion, opposes same-sex marriage, and formerly campaigned against the legalisation of homosexual acts in Northern Ireland. It is also Eurosceptic and backs the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.

DUP holds ten seats at Westminster and 28 seats in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Theresa May’s New Terrorist-Friendly Government: Her track record as a bona fide supporter of terrorism is clear – here are three things she has done so far to help terrorists;

1. She slashed 20,000 jobs from Britain’s police force

2. Nearly 100 British Police Sniffer dogs have been destroyed because of cuts by Theresa May


3. Theresa May continued David Cameron’s policy of selling huge amounts of arms to Saudi Arabia – knowing full well that the CIA had concluded that many weapons used by ISIS had been given to them by Saudi Arabia.

Over 84 police dogs have been destroyed in the past three years – even though Theresa May received warnings from the French interior ministry, was also warned by MI5 and the mother of the Manchester bomber had also called the UK Crime Hotline warning that her son was planning a suicide bomber attack. No British police dogs were on patrol at either Manchester Arena nor at London Bridge train station because of Theresa May’s cuts.

The Middle East has erupted into WORLD WAR THREE – Saudi Arabia have been blamed by IRAN for suppling weapons and explosives to ISIS who attacked the Iranian parliament and a shrine to the hardline muslim preacher and MI6 spy Ayatollah Khomeini

Families of ISIS terror attacks in Britain have been horrified to learn that Theresa May has sold weapons to Saudi Arabia that have been used to kill innocent children in Yemen.


Theresa May has an arch nemesis – just like Fu Man Chu in the Sherlock Holmes novels, Theresa May’s enemy has actually won the Ghandi Award for Global Peace!

Gigantic crowds have greeted JEREMY CORBYN all over Britain – his British Labour Party have 700,000 members, around 4,900,000 followers on Facebook and Mr Corbyn has become a political super star.

On BBC Radio 4, Jeremy Corbyn voiced his intention to bring police numbers back up to previous staffing levels – and his statements have had another big positive boost in his popularity amongst British voters… But even though Corbyn attracted a bigger turn-out and popular vote than any other Labour leader since the second world war, mysteriously, his popularity did not win him a majority in the House of Commons.

13m votes in the General Election on June 8th 2017 were ‘counted’ by Theresa May’s chum PETER LILLEY.

Lilley’s digital privatised election ‘counting’ corporation took over recently and this resulted in a shock result of the Scottish Referendum and a disastrous result for the Labour Party in 2017 Local Elections.

The DUP’s leader is lampooned as having heated empty barns using tax payers’ money.

The biggest problem facing Theresa May’s new government is that under the TERRORIST ACT the DUP actually legally are not allowed to vote in the English Parliament!

Theresa May’s Government Collapses – She Props it up with Terrorists from Northern Ireland Who Have NO RIGHT to Vote in Parliament!

Theresa May’s tenure at Downing Street is now unofficially over. Following the Queen’s Speech, it is highly likely that New Yorker, BORIS JOHNSON, will take over. He was recently seen riding his bike in London in a personal fitness campaign in readiness to become Britain’s next un-elected Prime Minister.

BORIS JOHNSON was recently seen riding his bike in London in a personal fitness campaign in readiness to become Britain’s next un-elected Prime Minister.



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